Saturday, September 3, 2016

Just read this
Thanks so a friend on Twitter. Krista hasn't ever been tested for it and I'm calling next week to get it done. Maybe this is our answer. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

So far so good today, if I act like nothing happened last night maybe it won't happen again, or at least that's what I'm telling myself to get through the day.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

It's back

First day of 10th grade and the seizure like symptoms are back, we thought she got over it bc it hadn't happened in over a year, (make that 7 months according to my last post, I guess it hasn't been a year) we were wrong, I hope this is just due to her having to wake up early and being tired but I just don't know, this one isn't mild. It's bad. I hate that I ever let her get that damn vaccine.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Apparently some of the symptoms are still around although they did lay dormant for months. She had another shaking episode a week ago just to remind us it's still there. 

I recently found a study that listed severe adverse reactions if the person had Molluscum Contagiosum. Krista did have these bumps on her hands off and on for years before receiving the vaccination the doctor said they were "stress bumps". I was floored after reading this, could this be why she had such a horrible reaction?
) Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum Contagiosum, a contagious but benign viral disease of the skin, has been observed and medically diagnosed in some members of this study group. The raised bumps that appear may also be called "water warts", were typically not painful. They appeared from the face to the genitals, and may be mistaken for genital warts. We question if MERCK Pharmaceuticals is taking advantage of this similarity when promoting their Gardasil HPV vaccine against genital warts. The Gardasil HPV vaccine WILL NOT prevent this type of infection, and we observed the Gardasil HPV vaccine appeared to make the condition worse in these immunocompromised individuals. We further believe that vaccinating a person with Molluscum Contagiosum will result in a severe adverse vaccine reaction to that individual.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

School has started and Krista is a freshmen in High School. She's gotten a lot better over the summer. She will still shake occasionally, when her immune system is down or she is stressed, but she's able to deal with it a lot better now. 

We are done with tests and trying to figuer this out for now. The rheumatologist couldn't find anything wrong and referred her to the psychologist. The psychologist wasn't much help and never once gave us a diagnosis of conversion disorder or any other disorder.  I'm tired of putting her through unnecessary tests and doctors. We will continue to treat it as needed through diet and exercise. 
Thanks to everyone who read and commented. Your comments and support  meant a lot to us. 

I will keep the blog up with the hopes that other families going through this will read it and know they aren't alone.  Please feel free to contact me if you stumble upon this blog and I will help any way I can. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

We are still here. I've lossened up on her ditary restrictions for the summer and she seems to be doing ok. Still shakes occasionally. We see the rheumatologist and neurologist this week. I'll keep you updated as to how the appointments go. Hopefully they will be able to figuer something out.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I thought that keeping Krista on the gluten free diet would solve all of her issues but it hasn't. There must be something else besides the gluten setting her off. We went to the fair tonight and she was fine the whole time we were there. She had a blast and rode a ton of rides. In the car in the way home she got a headache and started shaking. She's been shaking and having the episodes since we for home. Maybe I let her do too much? I wish I knew what was causing the reactions. :( im hoping she gets enough sleep tonight and doesn't have any issues in the morning. I kind of feel guilty for even taking her now, this all just sucks. :( hopefully the rhumatologist will be able to help us figuer this all out. We don't see him until June 19th though. Sigh.