Friday, March 13, 2015

Got this from a friend today:

It's awful what this vaccine is doing to these girls. I'm convinced it did something to her immune system and something that may have been dormate before is now active. 
We still haven't heard from the rhumatologist yet and I've been calling everyday. 
Krista got her report card and despite all the days she's missed she had all A's and B's and once C in math, one point from a B. I'm so proud of her for sticking it out and continuing to go to school despite the pain and shaking. She's super strong. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Krista is home today, she woke up shaking and hasn't stopped. I called the neurologist again and he's supoosed to have called the rhumatologist. We are waiting for the rhumatologist to call us back. If I don't hear from them by Thursday I will call and get their number. I hate this waiting game crap. She really wants to go to school but I can't send her like this. Maybe resting will help and she can go later today. sigh.